
The inaugural CRI Bioinformatics Bootcamp will take place April 27, 2024-May 2, 2024 at the Hilton Bonnett Creek, Orlando FL.

Day Time Duration Module Topic
1 (Sat) 9:00AM-9:30AM 0:30 R Workshop Introduction to R and RStudio
9:30AM-9:45AM 0:15 Break
9:45AM-12:00PM 2:15 Hands-on: Reading, writing, and interpreting data structures
12:00PM-1:00PM 1:00 Lunch
1:00PM-1:45PM 0:45 Introduction to plotting and statistics
1:45PM-2:00PM 0:15 Break
2:00PM-4:30PM 2:30 Hands-on: Plotting information from data structures for real-time analysis
2 (Sun) 9:00AM-9:30AM 0:30 R Workshop Types of analysis: Clustering concepts and correlation
9:30AM-9:45AM 0:15 Break
9:45AM-12:00PM 2:15 Hands-on: Dimension reduction methods, computing correlation
12:00PM-1:00PM 1:00 Lunch
1:00PM-1:45PM 0:45 Common challenges and resources
1:45PM-2:00PM 0:15 Break
2:00PM-4:30PM 2:30 Hands-on: Creating different types of plots, continued practice
3 (Mon) 9:00AM-9:45AM 0:45 Bulk DNA/RNA sequencing Introduction to sequencing data processing and analysis
9:45AM-10:00AM 0:15 Break
10:00AM-10:30AM 0:30 Introduction to
10:30AM-10:45AM 0:15 Introduction to bulk RNAseq dataset
10:45AM-11:30AM 0:45 Hands-on: Exploring RNAseq data in IGV
11:30AM-12:00PM 0:30 Hands-on: DE analysis with DESeq2
12:00PM-1:00PM 1:00 Lunch
1:00PM-1:45PM 0:45 Hands-on: DE visualization with DESeq2
1:45PM-2:00PM 0:15 Break
2:00PM-3:00PM 1:00 Hands-on: DE visualization advanced
3:00PM-4:00PM 1:00 Hands-on: Pathway analysis
4:00PM-4:45PM 0:45 Hands-on: Batch correction
4:45PM-5:00PM 0:15 Day 3 Summary/Questions
4 (Tue) 9:00AM-9:45AM 0:45 Single cell RNA sequencing Introduction to scRNAseq methods and analysis
9:45AM-10:00AM 0:15 Break
10:00AM-10:30AM 0:30 Introduction to scRNAseq dataset and loupe demonstration
10:45AM-12:00PM 1:15 Hands-on: Quality assesment and clustering
12:00PM-1:00PM 1:00 Lunch
1:00PM-1:45PM 0:45 Hands-on: Cell typing
1:45PM-2:00PM 0:15 Break
2:00PM-3:30PM 1:30 Hands-on: DE analysis
3:30PM-4:45PM 1:15 Hands-on: Gene set and regulatory pathway
4:45PM-5:00PM 0:15 Day 4 Summary/Questions
5 (Wed) 9:00AM-9:45AM 0:45 Single cell RNA sequencing Advanced analyses in scRNAseq and multi-omic integration
9:45AM-10:00AM 0:15 Break
10:00AM-12:00PM 2:00 Hands-on: Cancer cell identification
12:00PM-1:00PM 1:00 Lunch
1:00PM-2:30PM 1:30 Hands-on: Trajectory analysis
2:30PM-2:45PM 0:15 Break
2:45PM-4:00PM 1:15 Hands-on: TCR/BCR analysis
4:00PM-4:30PM 0:30 vLoupe Browser demonstration
4:30PM-5:00PM 0:30 Day 5 Summary/Questions
6 (Thu) 9:00AM-9:45AM 0:45 Imaging Overview of spatial biology, types of imaging, experimental planning
10:00AM-10:30AM 0:30 Imaging file types, visualization platforms
10:30AM-10:45AM 0:15 Break
10:45AM-11:30PM 0:45 Hands-on: Exploring datasets
11:30AM-12:00PM 0:30 Mini-lecture and hands-on: Introduction to python
12:00PM-1:00PM 1:00 Lunch
1:00PM-2:00PM 1:00 Quantifying spatial features from imaging data
2:00PM-3:45PM 1:45 Hands-on: Spatial feature extraction
3:45PM-4:00PM 0:15 Conclusion Closing and feedback